Company overview
Company name:

Founded in:
Takenaka Bronze Works Co., Ltd.
CEO: Nobuyuki Takenaka
Director: Shinji Oguri
Director: Atsushi Orito
Director: Seiji Nomura
Address:Head Office:
  2-1-16 Miyuki-cho, Takaoka City, Toyama 933-0954
Tel.: +81-766-22-0707 (main) Fax.: +81-766-25-6080

Tokyo Office:
3rd floor Jakuetsu head-office Building, 1-54-9 Matsubara, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 156-0043
Tel.: +81-3-6379-1055 Fax. +81-3-6379-1066
Web site:
Business details: Manufacturing and selling traditional craftworks and Takaoka copperware
  Manufacturing, installing and maintaining copper statues and monuments
Manufacturing and selling Buddha statues, Buddhist ornaments and metal fittings for temple buildings
Manufacturing and selling original household goods
Company history
1927 Established a copperware processing shop in Miyagawa-cho, Takaoka City
1932 Received orders for coloring Takaoka Daibutsu together with other companies in the same business
1939 Designated as a quality product manufacturer for the Kaninnomiya imperial family
1945 Changed the company name to Takenaka Seisakusyo and set up the Nonferrous Metals Department
1959 Reorganized to a corporation
1963 Set up the Aluminum Building Material Department
1964 Moved the head office to the current address (Miyuki-cyo, Takaoka City)
1971 Set up the Design Section
1974 Newly built a head office building
Set up the Art Building Material Department
1984 Opened Takaoka-Douki Exhibition Shop (Toide, Takaoka City)
1987 Held the 60th anniversary memorial ceremony
Renovated the head office building
1991 Renovated the showroom of the head office
1999 Established an online sales store, T3 Collection Co., Ltd.
2003 Closed the Takaoka-Douki Exhibition Shop and moved the exhibition sales site to the ground floor of the Head Office
@Named Nobuyuki Takenaka as CEO
@Set up the Maintenance Department (repair and maintenance of copper/ bronze statues)
2007 Spin off the Copperware Department to establish Takenakadouki Co., Ltd.
2008 Issued the 80th anniversary memorial magazine
2012 Set up the Tokyo Sales Office


Copyright (c) Takenaka Bronze Works Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.